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this is the personal webpage of lioness. she is married to cigs. she champions the longwindedly incoherent, the perverted and the unpalatably bloodied. she's the nomadic patron saint of gutter punks everywhere. jinx from league of legends covered in glitter sparklies

circa the late 90's she dropped out of the sky in a brilliant flash of light. after she mastered confining herself to flesh she began learning different languages and creating different art. among her favourite things to learn about on this novel earth are lexical orphans, transitional environments and trans history.

a button that says 'I love hellfire' “I am the being with no face, inside each animal, monkey, lizard. Inside the sunflower. If you kill them as species, you kill me, but here I'll be, dispassionate, outside time. Be like me. (...) Nothing suffices but timelessness. You terrify me, you say. I am beyond terror, beyond extinction, details flow off me.” —Certain Magical Acts, Alice Notley
